Friday, August 17, 2007

I go...

I got contacts today. It was freakin ricdulous how this woman was telling me to put them on. "Just tap..come on tap..tap..tap.." .__. And I freakin lost my art history outline today. Where? I have no idea. And when I came home..I spent most of the time looking for it and adjusting to my new prescription. So in the end..I didn't find know I must be gifted to be able to lose that. And I started to redo it..then I just decided to give up. Whatever -.- its one homework..I just have to do all my other work to the highest degree to make up that this '0'..god thats depressing. But..I didn't have the time or engery to complete that. Oh well..hrmm..I think sleep is finally hitting...ho


artofkkyaaing said...

ho hum®XDDD~chan ^^

crwzymindktaorayahoocom said...

contacts are lovely. i couldn't put mine in so they had to get MINI contacts for me. :( hopefully now i can use regular ones when mine expiresif you're reading this now. haha :P

sharab4ixo5a said...

wat;s the homework?!?! i'll call u if u don't tell me!!! LMAOplease explain??? o_o i was really confused at paper doll making? (i know how to make it but why are we making it???) if not, i'll call u @ 9!!! d00m!!!

tsaier said...

XDDDD Ok the paper doll thing..ok we're suppose to enlarge it with a scanner/ or copy machine to the size of the paper in our sketch books. Then we have to cut it out and paste it together so that it looks like the croqui model we showed her today. The other homework is to correct our models if we have to and to draw three other ones..side view, back view and sitting. Hope that helps ^^

sarahra said...

oh ok. :D ty! i called an hour ago but it's ok. ;P oh yeah, glue it? tape it??? no drawing for that right? good thing u told me or else i would have called Ashley number two. LoL ;P