Saturday, July 7, 2007

Well I...

Well I didn't get to hang with Paula like I wanted to =/ Oh well...had to do stupid sister crap. Well hopefully we can get together this weekend or Monday to do that thing. I have no idea where tho..@.@;; maybe Central Park?..In other news..that forsaken shit on the canvas still isn't complete. >.< In fact its getting angry. But last night after talking to Daphne..I watched like 5 hours of 'the L word'. It made me cry....which is difficult now with watching things. Hopefully tonight I'll watch the final 13th episode. I feel like getting the series on DVD once its released. Or I could try and tape it..but my vcr is shitty. It'll save me money. And I'm not sure I'd want to cosplay Juka for Halloween or the dance. Well maybe Halloween..but not the dance..I'm not sure..Vik is confused @.@ Maybe I can go with something traditional..???..Well I'm gonna go and paint a bit more.


ju4kyuu0yahoocom said...

It made you cry? Awwwwh, omg, that's so cute. I saw your IM, you finished it??? That's fucking awesome. Wasn't like, the last 5 minutes of the last episode just so hard to watch? Jeez. And Tonya is teh sux. We must talk O_O

xigiauiyahoocom said...

I couldn't help it. It was sad..;-; Those last like 5 minutes with everything going on was just one "omg" after another. But yea..all of that happening was so hard to watch. And yes.."Tonya is teh sux"..xD and Shane is teh sex...XDDD We must talk ^^

everydaylociasdemocracy16yahoocom said...

EEEEE! the L word rocks everyone's socks. It's so cool and nice and funny. Hopefully the second season will be even better. I can't wait. I want the DVDs already. I need L word @____@Shane is a hot, sexy bitch. *droools* I want her *__*